Thursday, February 26, 2009

Capitalism versus Socialism

Capitalism versus Socialism

I have always advocated Democracy, Christianity and Capitalism as the government for America. I have always been afraid of Democracy, Atheism and Socialism.

I have always known that Capitalism was dangerous, but thought Christian Principles could control the harsh nature of Capitalism. Unfortunately, Christian Principles no longer have any control over Capitalism because Christianity has been effectively removed from American Society. When you eliminate the Ten Commandments, you basically authorize lying, cheating and stealing. Isn't everyone doing it?

When the Economic Disaster of 2008 unfolded, I wanted to know what went wrong with Capitalism and wanted to know if I was wrong in what I advocated. What became apparent was that the root cause of the Economic Disaster of 2008 was the Community Reinvestment Act, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The CRA was a socialistic program that forced banks to make risky sub prime loans. Banks resisted the risky sub prime loans till Fannie and Freddie were created to provide a guarantee for the sub prime loans. The guarantees gave sub prime loans an implied "AAA" rating so every crooked organization got into the sub prime business.

I knew Obama was a socialist, but I had no idea how effective he would be in making Capitalism the scapegoat for the Economic Disaster of 2008. I never thought so much money would be spent on implementing Socialism so fast.

I believe America is in for a world of misery as there is an attempt to implement Socialism.

In the long run, I believe it will be proven Capitalism is better than Socialism, but the question is whether America can recover from the Socialism.

Capitalism is loaning money to people you expect will pay it back.

Socialism is loaning money to people you hope sill pay it back.

Capitalism produces unequal prosperity, but Socialism produces equal proverty.

The following are my concerns about the Socialism being implemented by the Obama Administration.


The democrats are spending money like a bunch of horny sailors on leave. democrats are asking for 600 billion for health care, 100 billion for education, 200 billion for the Iraq/Afghanistan war, etc. Inflation is sure to follow when the government starts printing money. Hillary Clinton would not mention human rights to China because the Obama Administration needs China to buy American debt. Why would China buy American debt at a 2 of 3% interest rate, when China can see an inflation rate of 10 to 20% in America?

Price Controls

When inflation starts, price controls will be implemented. Right now doctors, hospitals and medical insurance companies are looking at the massive health care/welfare spending as a pot of gold, but as sure as inflation starts, there will be price and wage controls on doctors and hospitals. There won't even be a need for insurance companies.


Socialists are usually pacificist, so they will not fight an enemy. They spend money on defense, but defense is useless in a siege situation. Just one time that the defense fails and it is all over. Capitalists know they will make mistakes in offensive wars, but it is better to make a mistake and kill the enemy instead of making a mistake and killing your own people. The appeasement policy of the Clinton Administration caused 3000 Americans to be killed on 9/11. A failure to have a strong military is always an invitation to an enemy.


Socialists are usually Atheists, so they will try to eliminate Christianity. The "Hate Crime" legislation is a sure sign of the way things can go. A lot of money is going to spent on education, but "diversity training" may be the main part of the education. For information on what is happening in Massachusetts go to

Free Speech and Freedom of the Press

The Atheistic Liberal News and Entertainment Industry has always been biased for democrats, but if the news media begins to turn on the Obama Administration, the government will take over control of the news media. The "Fairness Doctrine" is a sure sign of the way things can go.

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