Wednesday, February 25, 2009



In the original post I stated the following.

I did not realize how bad this situation is till I saw a statement that said that the problem in Europe was a 40 trillion dollar problem. It is hard to believe numbers that big, but 200 hundred million people in America with an average family size of 3 yields about 70 million homes. Assuming the average house has dropped at least 20,000 dollars, that means the housing bubble represents a 20,000 dollars times 70 million homes or 1.4 zillion dollar problem. Even if Fannie Mae and Freedie Mac are on the hook for only one third of the problem, that is still 40 trillion dollars.

This was incorrect and should read.

I did not realize how bad this situation is till I saw a statement that said that the problem in Europe was a 40 trillion dollar problem. It is hard to believe numbers that big, but 200 hundred million people in America with an average family size of 3 yields about 70 million homes. Assuming the average house has dropped at least 20,000 dollars, that means the housing bubble represents a 20,000 dollars times 70 million homes or 1.4 trillion dollar problem. Even if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are on the hook for only one third of the problem, that is still 467 billion dollars.

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